Letters to the President
(36 minutes) Slovakia
Director: Lanka Moravcikova
Producer: Ivo Brachtl

UNAFF screening schedule
Letters to the President


Tens of thousand people write a letter to the President of Slovakia each year. They express their hopelessness, sadness, despair, dissatisfaction with politics, the world, and themselves. On occasion, they share messages of joy and support. Some writers are notorious, and some have been trying to develop the courage to write for years...The letters have a life of their own, and reflect something typical and essential of Slovaks as well as all of human beings. Letters to the President is a film interview, an analysis of this kind of corespondence, of the relationship between the citizen and the President, and of the power he holds in his hands. The film quotes several letters and writers from "their point of view". What happened when the President‘s son was kidnapped? Suddenly, President himself was suffering from similar problems as the writers/citizens, but he had nobody above to write to.....


Lenka Moravcikova was born in Bratislava, Slovakia, studied English and Latin for a short time, and studied documentary film directing at the Academy of Theater and Film in Bratislava, graduating in June 1999. Her film Letters to the President was awarded as the best student film by the Union of Slovak filmmakers in 1999/2000. Though producing films mainly at the Slovak Television, Letters to the President was shot in the studio of Ivo Brachtl, an independent producer.

Contact Information:

Lenka Moravcikova, Director
M_tna 33
90201 Pezinok, Slovakia
Phone: 00421 704 6403873
Fax: 00421 901 732 579
E-mail: cvnc@nextra.sk

All material copyright 2000 UNAFF