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The Akha Way

Director: Sharon Hainsfurther
Producer(s): Yellowcat Productions and Sharon Hainsfurther
screening schedule


For a thousand years, the Akha have inhabited the hills of Burma, Thailand, and China.


Matthew McDaniel, camera operator for THE AKHA WAY, and founder of AKHA HERITAGE FOUNDATION (, is a key figure who helped put this movie together.

In 1991, when he was 33 years old, Matthew moved from Salem, Oregon, to Maesai in the northern state of Chiangrai in Thailand. He started an import/export business, dealing in goods from Burma, Thailand and China, and at that time, also began working with the Akha Hill Tribe. In time, McDaniels expanded his involvement with the Akha to include well-building, seeds for nutrition, and advocacy for improving their rights and living conditions. He has since then devoted his full time and energy to the Akha cause..

Contact information:

Mary Flannery, Producer Yellow Cat Productions
505 11th St.
Washington, DC 20003
phone: 202-543-2221
fax: 202-543-CATS

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